Schooling and Mental Health: What works best?

Marc Atkins, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago
In this overview, Dr. Marc Atkins provides a review of the efficacy of social-emotional programs in school settings. He describes the various school-based mental health models and discusses advantages, disadvantages, and examples of each model.
Peer Victimization and Mental Health Outcomes: Genetic, Neurophysiological, and Neuroendocrine Considerations

Tracy Vaillancourt, Ph.D., University of Ottawa
In this overview, Dr. Tracy Vaillancourt discusses the link between bullying and mental health for children who are victimized. In addition, she reviews genetic and biological antecedences and consequences of bullying. Lastly, she provides a review of the efficacy of bullying prevention programs in school settings and highlights characteristics of programs that are most likely to be effective.
Evidence-Based School-Based Violence and Prevention Programs

John Lochman, Ph.D., ABPP, The University of Alabama
In this overview, Dr. John Lochman provides a description of the components common to evidence-based prevention programs for aggression in children from preschool age to early adolescence. In addition, he provides an overview of the research examining the effectiveness of various types of prevention programs for aggressive behavior in children.
When Children Refuse School: Prescriptive Treatment for Children and Adolescents

Anne Marie Albano, Ph.D., Columbia University
In this workshop Dr. Albano discusses a prescriptive treatment approach to treating school refusal behavior in children. Dr. Albano reviews the four primary reasons underlying school refusal behavior along with methods for assessing these conditions. She also demonstrates strategies for effectively engaging parents and school personnel in a partnership to return the child to full school functioning.
Consultative Problem-Solving with Teachers

George J. DuPaul, Ph.D., Lehigh University
In this two-part workshop, Dr. George J. DuPaul describes the need for consultative problem-solving with teachers to design school-based interventions. The workshop provides an overview of the types of consultative problem-solving and the steps involved in creating a positive consultation relationship. Through case examples and modeling, Dr. DuPaul describes the steps of consultative problem solving in detail.