Evidence-Based Instructional Strategies for Promoting the Development of Early Language and Literacy Skills for Children At-Risk
Christopher J. Lonigan, Ph.D.
Florida State UniversityAbout Keynote
In this overview, Dr. Christopher Lonigan discusses the importance of reading and early literacy skills. He also provides an overview of evidence-based instructional strategies for young children and describes the research supporting these strategies.About Speaker
Christopher J. Lonigan, Ph.D. is a Professor of Psychology and an Associate Director of Florida Center for Reading Research (FCRR). Dr. Lonigan is or has been the Principal Investigator (PI) for seven federally funded (IES, NICHD, NSF), large-scale evaluations of interventions or classroom curricula for preschool children at-risk of academic difficulties or disabilities. All of these studies employ randomized evaluation designs, including cluster-level designs. Dr. Lonigan also is or has been the PI or Co-I for five federally funded (IES, NICHD, OERI) longitudinal studies of reading skills and reading disabilities. Dr. Lonigan has developed and co-authored tests for early literacy (e.g., Test of Preschool Early Literacy, published by PRO-Ed), and he is currently developing Pre-K assessments that will be available to teachers in Florida's universal preschool program starting in 2009-2010. He was the principal investigator of the What Works Clearinghouse review of Early Childhood Education, and currently serves on the technical advisory group of the What Works Clearinghouse.Course Materials