Evidence-Based Interventions for Pediatric Medical Treatment Adherence
Michael Rapoff, Ph.D., University of Kansas
In this overview, Dr. Michael Rapoff provides a summary of the assessment tools used to measure adherence to medication regimens. In addition, Dr. Rapoff discusses the consequences to nonadherence and barriers that families and children face in following medication regimens. He also discusses the evidence based for educational, organizational and behavioral adherence strategies.
Enhancing Adherence to Pediatric Medical Regimens: Primary and Secondary Approaches
Michael Rapoff, Ph.D., University of Kansas
In this workshop Dr. Rapoff describes evidence-based interventions to ways to enhance adherence to pediatric medical regimes. Dr. Rapoff illustrates the advantages and disadvantages of various strategies used to increase adherence and provides case examples. Strategies discussed in this workshop include technology assisted, educational, organizational, and behavioral adherence enhancement strategies.